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Planning for Print Jobs > Printing Brochures
Printing BrochuresSimilar to flyers, Brochures are commonly single sheet documents printed in one or two colors or in 4-color process. They usually come in several sizes and styles, depending on the application, and can be custom printed to your specifications. In North America, many printers can print in full color and offer standard sizes of 8 ?" x 11", 8 ?"x 14", and 11" x 17". Research has shown that a brochure printed in full color will attract more attention than one printed in black & white or 2-color. Paper stock will vary from printer to printer but most will offer 60# to 100# gloss or matte text.

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Website and Price Lists Update 5/24/2018

All the information and price lists in this website are not up-to-date. For the most updated info., please visit: www.cetproductions.bc.ca

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